[Samba] Distributed file system suggestion/ctdb integration

Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD chasapakis at forumZFD.de
Tue Jul 9 06:58:58 UTC 2024

Dear all,

We are just in a phase of considering valid alternatives to our current 
setup that sees glusterfs integrated to ctdb interface plus samba ADs.

Do you have any suggestion for a distributed FS other than glusterfs and 
other than ceph that could fulfill the following:

- relatively simple use and maintenance and reliable stability;

- a feature like geo-replication to allow for distribution in/from 
different world locations;

- multi-platform client compatibility.

Would be really happy to know about your experiences taking into account 
a global user base of around 150-200 users and a use of the system with 
mostly small files.

Also a suggestion of the "best" underlying local FS for such a context 
would be great too. We would prefer if possible a vm environment (we 
would be open to any open source vm environment).

Many thanks in advance.

Entschieden für Frieden | Committed to Peace

Ilias Chasapakis
Referent IT | IT Consultant

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. | Forum Civil Peace Service
Am Kölner Brett 8 | 50825 Köln | Germany

Tel 0221 91273243 | Fax 0221 91273299 | http://www.forumZFD.de

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Alexander Mauz, Sonja Wiekenberg-Mlalandle, Jens von Bargen
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