[Samba] samba-ad-dc from debian backports fails to start with /usr/sbin/samba missing

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Mon Jul 8 10:46:00 UTC 2024

07.07.2024 16:05, Sonic via samba wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 3:55 AM Michael Tokarev via samba
> <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> ...
>> Please don't suppress *NEWS* entries.
> ...
> As someone that was bitten by this change I have to admit I've never
> seen these NEWS entries, or never realized I had. My Debian servers
> are cli only (no X or Wayland). Is this something that gets
> automatically displayed when you do an "apt update" or "apt upgrade"?
> Even for backports? If so, I guess I need to pay more attention.

The NEWS entries are supposed to be shown for any package upgrade
(when such entry actually exists ofc., which isn't often the case
since big disrupting changes aren't seen frequently).

I think the main ingredient here is to have apt-listchanges package
installed (which, while part of standard install, is optional).



GPG Key transition (from rsa2048 to rsa4096) since 2024-04-24.
New key: rsa4096/61AD3D98ECDF2C8E  9D8B E14E 3F2A 9DD7 9199  28F1 61AD 3D98 ECDF 2C8E
Old key: rsa2048/457CE0A0804465C5  6EE1 95D1 886E 8FFB 810D  4324 457C E0A0 8044 65C5
Transition statement: http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/gpg-transition-2024.txt

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