[Samba] Wsearch

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 10:56:21 UTC 2023

Hi Noel,

As we discussed on the list, I busy getting the bits and pieces in place 
to be able to test your windows search work.

I am running all my stuff on Debian Bullseye, with Samba code in 3 
lxc-containers. Two are for the DCs, one is the fileserver. Everything 
is managed by Ansible code, I try to avoid manual changes to my 
environment(s) as much as possible. Generally manual changes are to test 
something and when it works I put it in code.

The fileserver-container uses a mounted host directory to store the file 

In the mean time I have installed Opensearch on the host. Opensearch is 
binary compatible with Elasticsearch 7.x and that is what FSCrawler 
requires, so should just work.

Now I was looking at FSCrawler and I noticed the last release with 
compiled code is 2.7, is that version alright? I guess we do not want to 
run into issues in FSCrawler while working on Samba, hence 2.10 
snapshots feel like a bad idea.
/Did you find 2.9 binaries somewhere or how do you deal with this?/

For communication between Samba and Opensearch I will apply the code 
patch from Awen Saunders (Authorization header in smb.conf). Although 
not secure it is good enough for this testing.

As for Samba I have setup build code to create debian packages from 
https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba. That delivers me .deb 
packages which can be installed with my automation on the fileserver.

I guess that is not what we want for this project. My latest idea is to 
deploy a second fileserver container, specifically for this work.
/How do you build and install samba for dev and test work?/

Since FSCrawler will index the shares, I was thinking of installing it 
on the host and not in the fileserver-container. That helps when there 
are 2 fileserver-containers that work on the same underlying host 
storage (one for this work and the regular one).  That reduces 
duplication and keeps the containers lean.
/Would there be any objections with this approach?/

A lot of progress on my side but not yet ready :-)

- Kees.

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