[Samba] Joining Windows 10 Domain Member to Samba AD/DC

Mark Foley mfoley at novatec-inc.com
Tue Dec 19 20:46:24 UTC 2023

I've moved my new DC from one location to another test location within the
office where it will be deployed.  The new test location connects to subnet rather than 192.168.0 as I used when doing the initial setup. 

I've been going through the wiki verifying zones, rDNS, etc. On the A record
test I get:

# host -t A dc1.hprs.locl
dc1.hprs.locl has address
dc1.hprs.locl has address
dc1.hprs.locl has address
dc1.hprs.locl has address

The first 3 of these are wrong/obsolete.  The /etc/hosts file has the last entry
(1.60) which is correct.  My DNS backend is Samba Internal. 

How do I remove these other A records?

Thanks --Mark

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