[Samba] Migrating from NT PDC SV 88 to Samba PDC

Бударин Сергей Андреевич BudarinSA at it.mos.ru
Mon Dec 4 14:27:27 UTC 2023

Hello Anton,

Thanks for your reply. Our OS is openSUSE v15.4. What do you meant by "it's not simple way"?

When can we expect support Samba DC of AD Schema version 88?

Best regards,
Sergey Budarin

-----Original Message-----
From: Anton Shevtsov <shevtsovay at basealt.ru> 
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 10:32 AM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Migrating from NT PDC SV 88 to Samba PDC

04.12.2023 11:12, Бударин Сергей Андреевич via samba пишет:
> Hello,
> We need to migrate our AD from NT PDC Schema Version 88 to Samba PDC, but we can't join our Samba to NT PDC or migrate SID History and Account Passwords to Samba PDC.
> Our company is over 3000 NT Servers and over 5000 Users and we need to migrate to Samba without Servers rejoin and Passwords reset, but it's very important for as to migrate.
> Is it possible that there will be support for AD Schema version 88 in the future? If so, are there any approximate date of this?
I think, if you are using Alt OS , contact to vendor support. Migration is available, but it's not simple way.

p.s. Native MS AD after migration must be removed.

> Best regards,
> Sergey Budarin

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