[Samba] questions regarding the Demoting an Offline Domain Controller procedure

Jean-Louis Biasini jl.biasini at laposte.net
Mon Aug 28 10:00:57 UTC 2023

hello all,

To give some follow up info if anyone is affected by 1. too:

Le 14/07/2022 à 19:34, Jean-Louis Biasini a écrit :
>>> 1. The procedure went well and no other problems occured, but since 
>>> then, I have the following popping up in the log of all the 
>>> remaining DCs at restart:
>>> ../../source4/dsdb/kcc/scavenge_dns_records.c:491(dns_delete_tombstones) 
>>> dns_delete_tombstones: A tombstoned dnsNode has non-tombstoned 
>>> records, which should not happen.
>>> How can I find and delete those remaining record? I don’t see 
>>> anything related to the demoted DC with rsat DNS tool nor with:
>>> ldbsearch -H /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb '(invocationId=*)' 
>>> --cross-ncs objectguid

the proper ldap request to perform is:

ldapsearch -H ldaps://ADSERVER_FQDN_DNSNAME:636 -x -W -D 
"administrator at example.domain.tld" -b 
'DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=example,DC=domain,DC=tld' "(dNSTombstoned=TRUE)"

Make sure whatever DC that comes up is not in used anymore and that all 
related dns record have been deleted

Then you can delete that record with ldapdelete.

>>> 2. the procedure states that I shouldn’t reconnect et demoted 
>>> offline dc, does this apply only to that specific machine? Can I 
>>> declare a new dc with the same name and/or ip and/or mac address 
>>> (VM) or should this also be avoided?

I’m still looking for answers as to this question 2.

have a nice day


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