[Samba] Picking a non-.local domain

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Aug 8 13:36:39 UTC 2023

On 08/08/2023 14:15, Mark Foley via samba wrote:
> My current AD domain is hprs.local. Per advice in this list I'm planning on
> naming the new domain ad.ohprs.org. Currently, users login from Windows with
> "HPRS\joe" as their login ID. What will they use for the ID on the new domain:
> "OHPRS\joe" or will they have to use e.g. "ad.ohprs.org\joe"?
> I haven't join a domain member yet so I'm not quite at this point, but as long
> at we're talking about AD domain names ...
> --Mark

The usual practise is to use the left hand part of the AD dns domain, 
which in your case would now be 'AD', but there is nothing forcing you 
to use this, your NetBIOs domain name could be anything. It must be 15 
characters or less, it cannot contain spaces or any of these characters:

  , ~ : ! @ # $ % ^ & ' . ( ) { } _ \ /

So, you can continue to use 'HPRS' as the Netbios domain name (aka 


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