[Samba] Search in Samba ?

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 08:57:53 UTC 2023

Op 03-08-2023 om 10:51 schreef Joachim Lindenberg via samba:
> Hello all,
> I am wondering when and what is going to happen w.r.t. search. Searching the list, the last question was around April 2020, I also watched the video of Samba XP 2023, but unfortunately that is very unspecific w.r.t. both features and timeline.
Noel Power has an a prototype in a branch.

I have been testing with it for while. It is a bit of work to setup 
everything needed such as fscrawler (or similar) and elasticsearch (or 
opensearch). But the results are promising.

Connect with Noel to get a pointer to his work.

> Right now I am running three Samba DCs only plus domain members for authentication only, but no file servers, as to me search and fail-over are the top priorities (in that order). Search does work for me with Windows (desktop or server) including full-text-search, fail-over is an issue. With Samba I suppose I could get replication and fail-over via GlusterFS (https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/GlusterFS), but search is unavailable.
> I´d be willing to spend some cycles on testing or documentation. So far I never built Samba myself, but am going to try that.
> Who else is interested and willing to offer something?
> Or what alternatives are around? There might be even value in collecting use cases and alternatives. E.g. I found the question https://superuser.com/questions/1675272/how-do-i-get-windows-10-to-index-mapped-network-drives but the answer only reveals searches by file name or attributes, none providing full-text-search.
> Thanks,
> Joachim

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