[Samba] domain with a single dc

Admin(IT) admin at marche.be
Thu Aug 3 08:17:08 UTC 2023

Hello everybody,

I am new in this list and I thank you for your reactivity.

I would like to set up an infra samba 4 with only 1DC which will also be 
used as a file server.

I only have one lan with 300 users, a few apps including a mail server 
that authenticates on ldap.

  It is a virtual infra with backup of the whole vm every night.

I would like to keep an infra as simple as possible.

  The question is: is it a good idea to have only 1 DC which does all this?

Thank you for your answers



logomarche 	Philippe Michel
Sevice informatique de la Ville de Marche-en-Famenne
Rue des Carmes, 22
6900 Marche-en-Famenne
Tél: 084 32 70 88 - - Gsm: 0479 50 99 93
philippe.michel at ac.marche.be
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