[Samba] Default Samba version in Debian Bookworm

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Sun Apr 30 08:20:09 UTC 2023

On 30/04/2023 09:06, Peter Milesson via samba wrote:
> Hi Yvan,
> Thanks for the information, really useful. Essentially, it means I need 
> to wait for the official release of Debian Bookworm, and then getting 
> the newest Samba packages from Bookworm backports. It's just a little 
> over a month away, so there is ample time for planning upgrades.
> Best regards,
> Peter

There is a big problem with this, bookworm hasn't been released yet and 
as far as I can see, there isn't a bookworm-backports yet.
The only mention of Samba 4.18 that I can see in Debian is in 
experimental, a long way from any backports.


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