[Samba] DNS problems (still) with Linux domain members - using Samba's internal DNS backend

Gary Dale gary at extremeground.com
Fri Apr 28 19:28:04 UTC 2023

On 2023-04-28 13:49, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On 28/04/2023 18:26, Gary Dale via samba wrote:
>> On 2023-04-28 11:29, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 28.04.23 um 16:05 schrieb Gary Dale via samba:
>>>> On 2023-04-28 02:03, Christian Naumer via samba wrote:
>>>>> Am 28.04.23 um 06:13 schrieb Gary Dale via samba:
>>>>>> Under previous versions, my Windows account mapped to my Unix 
>>>>>> account. Without user mapping, I can only access Samba shares 
>>>>>> that Windows-only users access through my Windows account. Unix 
>>>>>> accounts can't be members of Windows groups and Windows group 
>>>>>> can't map to Unix groups either.
>>>>> Rowland will not like to hear this but you can still do this. 
>>>>> Although I agree with Rowland that you should not. If you use the 
>>>>> "normal" Linux tools you can add users from AD to Linux groups. 
>>>>> That only works on the machine you are doing this but it does work.
>>>>> You can even (Rowland do not read further) add local Samba users 
>>>>> with smbpasswd when your server is running with AD (I accidently 
>>>>> did this once) and use that to access your server. But makes 
>>>>> everything even more complex and harder to understand the 
>>>>> behaviour in my opinion.
>>>> Not quite the same as mapping. With mapping, the AD accounts and 
>>>> groups were mapped to local Unix accounts and groups. My domain 
>>>> account and local accounts were linked so I could access anything 
>>>> that allowed Domain Users from Windows or users from Linux. My 
>>>> server account's password (used mainly to ssh in via a certificate) 
>>>> remained in sync with the Domain password. Any users added to 
>>>> Domain Users or users had access to the same files.
>>>> As for other machines, Linux has a plethora of tools for keeping 
>>>> files (or parts thereof) synchronized when needed
>>> the whole point of AD is a single source
>>> what you see below are "local" unix users stored in mysql and AD is 
>>> supposed to provide exactly the same
>>> [root at sftp:~]$ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
>>> passwd:     files mysql systemd
>>> shadow:     files mysql
>>> group:      files mysql systemd
>>> hosts:      files dns
>> You are ignoring the point that AD doesn't do what you want Samba to 
>> do - maintain a single authority. AD replicates information between 
>> DCs. Samba used to do that as well, keeping accounts and groups 
>> synced through mapping. While AD propagates changes between DCs based 
>> on ids and time stamps, Samba should (and used to) propagate changes 
>> based on mapping. If I changed my Windows account password, it would 
>> change the mapped Unix account password on the server running Samba. 
>> If I used smbpasswd to change my passwd, it would do the same.
>> Conflating a single domain with a single DC is the flaw in your 
>> logic. An AD account can authenticate against any DC that it can 
>> reach. There isn't a "single source". There are (or can be) multiple 
>> sources that are kept synchronized by processes running on the servers.
>> Just like AD replicates changes made on one server to other servers, 
>> Samba should do the same. The issue is whether should continue to 
>> follow it's long-standing practice of mapping Windows accounts to 
>> Unix accounts or, as it apparently is doing, dropping such mapping 
>> and insisting that it will only synchronize Windows accounts.
>> The single source argument has little to do with whether Domain Users 
>> maps to Users or whether a Windows account is linked to a Unix 
>> account on a Samba server. It is entirely to do with whether Samba 
>> serves as a bridge between between Windows and Unix or whether it 
>> acts only as a way to give Windows users access to Unix resources. I 
>> agree that doing the latter is simpler but since its inception, Samba 
>> had been doing the former.
>> Perhaps the real issue is that millennials aren't willing to put in 
>> the work that the previous generations of Samba programmers were? ;) 
>> Dropping features may make the programming easier but it rarely makes 
>> the product better.
> Can I ask, how old are you and how old do you think I am ?
> Rowland

I'm 70 and have been working with computers & programming since the late 
60s. I got my first home computer in 1978.

I have no idea how old you are but the dig against millennials was more 
about the current round of Samba developers and even it was delivered 
with a wink.

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