[Samba] Get the reverse zone working

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Apr 26 18:26:26 UTC 2023

On 26/04/2023 19:04, matti.kaupenjohann via samba wrote:

> Seems reasonable. This creates another question for me: if my 
> reversezone is 99.10 and my network is a class B network, this seems to 
> be right, but if instead of a subnetmask 12 my network is not a class B 
> network and is instead divided in a smaller subnets with as example 
> subnetmask 20? Should I still create a zone for the class B network or 
> how should it look like?
> As  an example:
> subnet1:
> subnet2:
> So if I create the reveresezone for both together the correct way would 
> be: 16.172.in-addr.arpa?
> But for whatever use case, if I want two seperate zones, what should it 
> look like?
> Matti

You would only need one reversezone, the one you have shown, a '/20' 
cidr will give you 4,096 records, so you could only use one reversezone.


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