[Samba] Design conflict between samba and NFS

Sac Isilia udaypratap.singh65 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 09:14:03 UTC 2023

Hi Rowland,

I apologise for the wrong choice of words. Thanks for all the help.

Sachin Kumar

On Sun, 23 Apr, 2023, 2:36 PM Rowland Penny via samba, <
samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> On 23/04/2023 09:53, Sac Isilia via samba wrote:
> > Hi Rowland,
> >
> > Please update on the below thread .
> >
> > Regards
> > Sachin Kumar
> >
> >
> So, I am sat here on a nice sunny Sunday morning, eating my breakfast
> and this pops up in my email client. Someone virtually demanding that I
> reply to an email, anyone care to guess what my reply is going to be ?
> I will save you guessing. No one can demand anything here, it is all
> voluntary, you can ask nicely and you may get an answer, but not to that.
> Now, this may all be a language problem and if so, I suggest that Sachin
> tries again.
> Rowland
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