[Samba] Design conflict between samba and NFS

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Sun Apr 23 09:06:12 UTC 2023

On 23/04/2023 09:53, Sac Isilia via samba wrote:
> Hi Rowland,
> Please update on the below thread .
> Regards
> Sachin Kumar

So, I am sat here on a nice sunny Sunday morning, eating my breakfast 
and this pops up in my email client. Someone virtually demanding that I 
reply to an email, anyone care to guess what my reply is going to be ?

I will save you guessing. No one can demand anything here, it is all 
voluntary, you can ask nicely and you may get an answer, but not to that.

Now, this may all be a language problem and if so, I suggest that Sachin 
tries again.


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