[Samba] Ubuntu update from 18.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Apr 21 19:49:25 UTC 2023

On 21/04/2023 20:35, Benjamin Schmid via samba wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> I already have a secondary domain controller in the network. So I'd then 
> basically follow
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Upgrading_a_Samba_AD_DC#Upgrade_A_DC_and_join_it_to_the_domain_again


> I'd start with the secondary DC, demote it, update it, and join it 
> again. If everything goes smooth, I'd do the same thing with the primary 
> DC.

What secondary DC and what primary DC ?
The only difference between DC's is the FSMO roles and they can be on 
any DC.

> I'd re-join both with the same command, i.e. the command that I used to 
> join the secondary DC in the first place, with all the options specified 
> back then, right?

Yes, but I would suggest that you backup the domain with samba-tool, 
better safe than sorry, but I do not expect any problems.

> This should work for both upgrading the existing Ubuntu and installing a 
> new Debian?

Your only problem with the Ubuntu machine will be that, using the OS 
Samba packages, you cannot get near a Samba supported version.


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