[Samba] 4.17?
William Edwards
wedwards at cyberfusion.nl
Sat Oct 22 09:42:00 UTC 2022
Lorenzo Milesi via samba schreef op 2022-10-21 22:03:
>> Great for what? Why someone wants to stick with 4.16 or 4.15?
> For whatever reason I don't strictly need to know. What's the issue
> with this?
> Why so much discussion over an optional opportunity?
Because it places an additional burden on the maintainer for little
I believe your use case is *reproducibility*. For example, it *could* be
useful to have the *ability* to install a new system with an older
I can't speak for the Samba and Debian project, but I can imagine that
it comes down to the following cost-benefit analysis:
- Give *some* users the *ability* to *potentially* install an *old*
- - This has to be maintained. Like Andrew said: "[...] if anyone start
to provide packages, that folks soon start to expect that these packages
be kept up to date."
- - It's usually in a software project's best interests for many users
to run the newest version.
- Spend time that can't be spent on features and quality improvements
that *all* users will *definitely* benefit from.
>>> Current goal: provide Samba packages (possibly via apt repo) for
>>> stable and
>>> maintenance for Debian 11, Ubuntu 20 and 22.
>> What does "stable and maintenance" mean? Like 4.15 and 4.16?
> As per the posted link, stable is 4.17 and maintenance is 4.16, at this
> moment.
> Adding 4.15 which is still in security fixes, would really be the top.
>> Again, what for? to have a big collection to show to someone? What
>> *practical*
>> reason it provides?
> apt-get install --reinstall my-old-version?
> Again, what's the problem with this. I tend to be a collector, yes,
> that's true. So what? Do we need to discuss further on this?
> If it's possible to provide an apt repo with .16 and .17 for Deb11,
> Ubuntu20 and 22 it's just fine. Not fine, but GREAT for many people on
> this list who relied on Louis' work.
> That's it.
> If you're able and you're willing to do so on your own, then thank you.
> If not, I'll be really grateful if you can support or guide this
> project.
> --
> Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.milesi at yetopen.com
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With kind regards,
William Edwards
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