[Samba] Samba does not replicate attributes added via ldbmodify
Ralf Spenneberg
ralf at spenneberg.net
Thu Oct 13 06:54:09 UTC 2022
thanks a lot for the suggestions and your help.
Am 13.10.22 um 08:26 schrieb Andrew Bartlett:
> On Thu, 2022-10-13 at 08:21 +0200, Ralf Spenneberg wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> Am 13.10.22 um 08:14 schrieb Andrew Bartlett:
>>>>> (And don't worry, it is not case sensitive and is self-correcting of
>>>>> case, if Samba accepts the modify it should replicate, as long as you
>>>>> don't access the files under sam.ldb.d/ directly).
>>>> Well, the ldbmodify usedc was:
>>>> ldbmodify -v -H 'DC=AD,DC=DOMAIN,DC=DE.ldb' <
>>>> /root/replace-proxyAddresses.ldif
>>>> Does this count as modifying the files directly?
>>> Yes. Your domain is now (subtly) corrupt. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. ;-)
>> Ok, I already assumed something like that.
>>> The file to modify it the sam.ldb file in the directory above, this provides the correct interface.
>> So what would have been the correct command?
>> ldapmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb < xxx.ldif?
> Yes.
>>> dbcheck might fix it.
>> I already ran dbcheck. But it did not help. Could I try to repair the
>> replication by rejoining the backup dc?
> Yes, just join a new DC to the domain (you could rejoin the DC you modified to the backup), that attribute won't replicate over and it will all be as if this never happened.
> Then demote the existing DC that you modified.
> Andrew Bartlett
> --
> Andrew Bartlett (he/him) https://samba.org/~abartlet/
> <https://samba.org/~abartlet/>
> Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org <https://samba.org>
> Samba Team Lead, Catalyst IT https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba
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