[Samba] NT4 Roaming Profiles
Philippe LeCavalier
support at plecavalier.com
Wed Jun 15 13:16:34 UTC 2022
On Wed., Jun. 15, 2022, 7:10 a.m. Michael Tokarev via samba, <
samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> 15.06.2022 13:18, Andrea Venturoli via samba wrote:
> > In my experience Roaming Profiles have never worked vaguelly fine.
> > With Windows 10, it's even worse, as, as you say, they never completely
> load (althoug this is mostly a non critical error).
> We've been using roaming profiles since samba 2.x times,
> with all versions of windows since winXP. Used them a lot
> on many networks, small and large(ish), including NT domains
> and - starting with this year - AD.
> And I can say it all definitely works and works exactly as
> intended. Yes we had one or another issue here and there
> over the years, that's for sure, but that's kinda expected
> too.
> /mjt
I agree with this and have also been using them with good success for over
a decade now and at least 5 years on AD
What Andrea mentions about permissions isn't without value but set
correctly in accordance with the wiki roaming profiles will work with no
error for the majority of desktops and environments. The whole apps vs
installed programs is a big issue with all things and personally would
avoiding the whole app approach. Certain processes for tmp files can cause
issue such as Outlook attachments but with proper education your users can
avoid that and the profiles will load cleanly and quickly. Last but not
least, don't forget about redirected folders! Without that aspect roaming
profiles are a complete nightmare.
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