[Samba] pam_winbind and home folders

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Sat Dec 24 15:42:42 UTC 2022

Mandi! Piviul via samba
  In chel di` si favelave...

> in my opinion a user member of Domain Computer group should be ignored 
> from users independently from his primary group.

No, this insted can be useful, because in some way SYSTEM bultin users use
the machine account user to do things, and 'doing things' on a fileserver
need a UID.

I'm using AD backaend, and all my machine account have an UID.

  Io credo nella chimica tanto quanto Giulio Cesare credeva nel caso...
  mi va bene fino a quando non riguarda me :)	(Emanuele Pucciarelli)

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