[Samba] Missing deprecations from CHANGELOG 4.14
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Mon Jul 26 13:42:52 UTC 2021
Am 26.07.21 um 15:36 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
> On Mon, 2021-07-26 at 15:00 +0200, Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG via
> samba wrote:
>> Hello,
>> in preparation for the upcoming samba 4.15 release Ive upgraded all
>> my
>> debian servers from 4.13 to 4.14.
>> Ive read all changelogs and nothing stood out, so I went ahead and
>> (seemingly) everything worked fine.
>> 2 days later I noticed that client connections to an old Mac OS 10.6
>> Server via samba wont work anymore: error "smb_signing_good: BAD
>> SIG:
>> seq 1". These old servers can only use SMB1 and should be dismantled
>> soon (tm). We're using a PHP lib with php7.4-smbclient to access
>> them.
>> There was nothing in the release notes (linked here
>> https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.14.0.html) for SMB1
>> deprecations or somethings like that. But downgrading to 4.13 solved
>> the
>> problem!
>> Digging deeper I found that in the RC release notes (e. g.
>> https://download.samba.org/pub/samba/rc/4.14.0rc/samba-4.14.0rc4.WHATSNEW.txt)
>> there were a lot more deprecations regarding SMB1. These are somehow
>> missing from the final release notes!
>> Upgrading back to 4.14 and setting all the deprecated parameters
>> from
>> the RC-changelog didnt solve my problem though.
>> The lib (https://github.com/icewind1991/SMB/) Im using can either
>> use
>> the php module or the smbclient binary directly. Switching to the
>> binary
>> (without any smb.conf changes!) solved the problem! So it seems like
>> there is a compatibility problem in the PHP module... This module is
>> from deb.sury.org and out of your control (I think).
>> Could you please add the SMB1 deprecations from the RC changelog to
>> the
>> final changelog? Thanks!
> The problem is that the minimum protocols were changed to SMBv2 at
> 4.11.0 and a lot of the SMBv1 parameters were deprecated at 4.13.0
> Then when 'WHATSNEW.txt' was created for 4.14.0rc4, it relied heavy on
> the WHATSNEW.txt for 4.13.0, too heavily in fact, because it contained
> most of the contents of the 4.13.0 one. The old parts from the 4.13.0
> file were removed from the 4.14.0 one when it was released, that one is
> the one to read.
> Rowland
Okay, so the docs for 4.14.0 are correct then? There are no new
deprecations for 4.14 that werent in 4.13 regarding SMB1? Im having
"client min protocol = NT1" and "ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted" in both
versions and 4.13 works while 4.14 wont...
So it must be a really weird bug in the PHP module (entirely possible!).
Then disregard my ramblings :)
Matthias Kühne
Senior Webentwickler
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