[Samba] Missing deprecations from CHANGELOG 4.14
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Mon Jul 26 13:00:13 UTC 2021
in preparation for the upcoming samba 4.15 release Ive upgraded all my
debian servers from 4.13 to 4.14.
Ive read all changelogs and nothing stood out, so I went ahead and
(seemingly) everything worked fine.
2 days later I noticed that client connections to an old Mac OS 10.6
Server via samba wont work anymore: error "smb_signing_good: BAD SIG:
seq 1". These old servers can only use SMB1 and should be dismantled
soon (tm). We're using a PHP lib with php7.4-smbclient to access them.
There was nothing in the release notes (linked here
https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.14.0.html) for SMB1
deprecations or somethings like that. But downgrading to 4.13 solved the
Digging deeper I found that in the RC release notes (e. g.
there were a lot more deprecations regarding SMB1. These are somehow
missing from the final release notes!
Upgrading back to 4.14 and setting all the deprecated parameters from
the RC-changelog didnt solve my problem though.
The lib (https://github.com/icewind1991/SMB/) Im using can either use
the php module or the smbclient binary directly. Switching to the binary
(without any smb.conf changes!) solved the problem! So it seems like
there is a compatibility problem in the PHP module... This module is
from deb.sury.org and out of your control (I think).
Could you please add the SMB1 deprecations from the RC changelog to the
final changelog? Thanks!
Matthias Kühne
Senior Webentwickler
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