[Samba] Win7 vs. Win10 GPO Editing

Kacper Wirski k.wirski at babkamedica.pl
Tue Oct 22 15:03:48 UTC 2019


My guess is this:

RSAT reads policy definitions either from central store (first) or from 
local (if first not found). It might be the case, that one of the 
policies templates was changed between windows 7 and windows 10 and now 
windows 7 runs into errors. Your error shows that it's trying to look 
for policy definition in the local store (c:\windows\PolicyDefinitions).

You can google for "central store for policy definitions" and You should 
come up with tons of how-to's and specific guidelines. The basic concept 
is this:

You create on Your DC inside SYSVOL PolicyDefinitions folder like in 
this example: 
\\contoso.com\SYSVOL\contoso.com\policies\*PolicyDefinitions* There You 
copy most current version of policy definitions (e.g. from Your windows 
10 client local store or just download latest from microsoft resources). 
Your windows RSAT client should then read policy definitions from this 
central store and this way it won't matter much which client starts GPO 
management, because all policy definitions will be consistent.

Central Store is also especially useful when You add non-microsoft 
policy templates like e.g. google chrome GPO's.

Hope that helps with Your issue!

W dniu 22.10.2019 o 14:58, henri transfert via samba pisze:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with GPO editing.
> I have some GPO first created with RSAT and GPO editor on Win 7 x64.
> I have modified recently this object with RSAT and GPO editor on Win 10 x64
> .
> If I try to edit the GPO back to Win7 I got the following error (in
> french):
> La ressource « $(string.SiteDiscoveryEnableWMI) » référencée dans
> l’attribut displayName est introuvable. Fichier
> C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\inetres.admx, ligne 34296, colonne 235
> I got this error in the Group Policy Management console when displaying
> settings , and also in the GP editor.
> Is there an incompatibility between GPO editing on Win 7 vs Win 10 ?
> Will the GPO modified on Win 10 will still apply in Win7 clients computers
> ?
> What is the best practice to edit GPO when mixing Win7 and Win10 clients ?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Henri

Z poważaniem,
Kacper Wirski
tel. +48 608 421 424

tel:   + 48 22 637 50 01
fax:   + 48 22 637 50 04

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