[Samba] samba_dnsupdate options: --use-samba-tool vs. --use-nsupdate, and dhcpd dynamic updates

Billy Bob billysbobs at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 10 21:28:11 UTC 2019


  Show original message     On Thursday, January 10, 2019 2:45 PM, Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

 On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 20:07:40 +0000 (UTC)
Billy Bob <billysbobs at yahoo.com> wrote:

>>    On Thursday, January 10, 2019 1:43 PM, Rowland Penny via samba
>> <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote: 
>>  >On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 19:09:01 +0000 (UTC)
>> >Billy Bob via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >> 
>> >> As to the current issue, I am attemting to configure DHCP to update
>> >> DNS records with BIND9, as outlined in the Samba Wiki (with
>> >> correction of a couple errors in the "on release" and "on expiry"
>> >> sections of the example dhcpd.conf file).
>> >
>> >What errors ?
>> In "on expiry" changed:
>> execute("/usr/local/bin/dhcp-dyndns.sh", "delete", ClientIP, "", "0");
>> to
>> execute("/usr/local/bin/dhcp-dyndns.sh", "delete", ClientIP, "0", "");
>> and in on release (this one not really an error) gave
>> execute("/usr/local/bin/dhcp-dyndns.sh", "delete", ClientIP,
>> ClientDHCID);
>> a default null value for ClientName, as follows
>> execute("/usr/local/bin/dhcp-dyndns.sh", "delete", ClientIP,
>> ClientDHCID, "");
>They have worked that way for me for a long time, can you remind me
>what OS you are using, it may be I need to add another note to the wiki

OS is Ubuntu 18.04
The only part that I think is an actual error is in the "on expiry" section. The Wiki shows "" for the ClientDHCID argument and "0" for the ClientName argument. I think having a null value for ClientIP will cause the script to exit at line 95, yes?
As to the "on release" the change was to just make sure that a wrong value did not find its way in as ClientName. By forcing it null, the script gets the chance to always provide the correct name as part of the "delete" action exception of lines 98-106.
>Your script looks very different from mine and there is no mention of
>'samba_dlz' in the log fragment you posted. I don't know what is doing
>the updates, but it doesn't seem to be the script, I take it you made it
>executable ?
yessir, but running again with correct PATH lines.

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