[Samba] Problems Transferring FSMO Roles

miguel medalha medalist at sapo.pt
Sun Aug 4 17:00:55 UTC 2019

Maybe the output of 'samba-tool fsmo transfer --help' should include the 
-U parameter...

> (...) if you enter 'samba-tool fsmo transfer --help' it prints amongst 
> the output:
> --role=ROLE           The FSMO role to seize or transfer.
>                         .......................
>                         .....................
>                         .................
>                         ..............
>                         domaindns=DomainDnsZonesMasterRole
>                         forestdns=ForestDnsZonesMasterRole all=all of the
>                         above  You must provide an Admin user and 
> password.
> So, even though it shouldn't matter, try it with '-U Administrator'

Maybe the output of 'samba-tool fsmo transfer --help' should include the 
-U parameter and its purpose in the current context...

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