[Samba] compile samba 4.10.2 centos 7.6

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 05:27:47 UTC 2019

On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 2:52 PM <vincent at cojot.name> wrote:
> Hi Nico,
> Glad to hear you're feeling better.
> So now we've got several builds of samba-4.10.x for centos7/rhel7:
> - Your 4.10.2 build (requires python36 from EPEL but is more future-proof)
> - Sergio's (don't know the details on those).
> - My modest builds (based on python2.7 and which don't require addons).

Sergio's used python36 from iusrelease. I used the one from EPEL. Our
builds are very similar, except that I compile all the added libraries
such as libtdb, libtevent, etc. as distinct RPM's as they are
published by RHEL, just with Pythone 3.6 as well as with Python 2.7
and with resent enough versions for Samba 4.10.2. I'm uspicious about
your build and whether it effectively provides full domain controller
features, which I believe require gnutls 3.4.17.

> As much as I agree that doing anything python2 these days in pretty much a
> dead end, would there be any interest in joining forces?

Sure, I prefer complete setups.

> If you'd like I could try merging the python2 bits of my SPEC files with
> yours. This way we'd have a common SPEC file. Of course, with samba 4.11
> we'd have to remove the python2 bits since those are going away in Samba.

Right. The compat-gnutl234 and compat-nettle32 tools are needed as well.

> On the subject of Python2 and RHEL7, I generally agree that it's a bad
> idea to -replace- the default python in RHEL7/centos7. If people want
> Python3 on RHEL/centos, it's usually better to install it alongside with
> python 2.7.5, wait for RHEL8/centos8 or use Fedora.

Right. The key to that is updating the "waf" file to use the corrected
/usr/bin/python3.6 file in buildtools/bin/waf.

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