[Samba] Louis; re:your repo and Ubuntu 18.04

Thomas Glanzmann thomas at glanzmann.de
Wed Aug 1 08:21:46 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,
I'm doing something similar to Louis, I ran unattended update for the
past 17 years on Debian, never had an issue. Also on a computer pool for
University of Erlangen with approx 200 workstations. I also ran unattended
updates on other distros and had issues (SLES: RHEL) for customers who
wantes this distros. One example would be a /tmp cleaner that deleted
the whole system or another a selinux rule which blocked the startup of
the firewall. I have systems which run Debian for 20 years, without a
reinstallation. The hardware has changed multiple times it was
constantly upgraded, no issues. I also moved systems remotely from one
provider to another. I also upgraded three of my main servers
running 30+ services on it from 32 bit to 64 bit using Debian. It is not
supported, but it works. Friends of mine have done simliar stuff. Just
last week I upgraded a system from a friend which is serving as PBX from
Debian Etch (4) to Debian Stretch (9) without an issue. The system ran
without an issue for 11 years on an internal network. Now we had to
update asterisk and upgraded Debian as well. All customers of mine run
Debian, without issues. Sometimes I try Ubuntu. The last time I tried it
a few years big their LTS released choked on me producing a bootable
system. After 30 minutes, I did not even search for the reason and went
straight back to Debian. I also run Debian stable on the Desktop for
approx 17 years.


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