[Samba] Recycle Repository Issue

L A Walsh samba at tlinx.org
Thu Sep 7 18:27:02 UTC 2017

Selahattin Cilek via samba wrote:
> I have done some searching on the Internet, but not been able to find a solution to my problem. I hope you can help me with this.
> I have a server at home that runs on FreeBSD 10.3. The file system is ZFS. I have two ZFS pools: tank and fun. I share my ZFS file systems using Samba v4.6.2.
> When I add recycle bin functionality for a share like below, it work like a charm:
>     path = /fun/mac
>     recycle:repository = .recycle
> But when I try to gather my recycled files in another folder, it does not work:
>     path = /fun/mac
>     recycle:repository = /tank/recycle
In Windows, recycle bins are on the same file system
as the original file so that recycled files are simply
moved out of the way (and not copied).  I'm not sure
how the vfs_recycle module handles this, but if
a user deleted a 200GB file, are you trying (or wanting to copy
it to a different device (which may not have enough room)?

At the very least, maybe try using a relative path?

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