[Samba] Wiki: Join a domain as a DC
Marc Muehlfeld
mmuehlfeld at samba.org
Tue Nov 11 11:50:48 MST 2014
Am 11.11.2014 um 11:33 schrieb L.P.H. van Belle:
> - Workaround: Fix keytab permissions
> On debian/ubuntu i notice that (sernet samba)
> has the right wrong : /var/lib/samba/private is set to 700 and should be 755
> This should be checked/fixed after provisioning, before starting bind and samba.
I added a general note.
I don't want to add to many distro specific stuff inside the general
documentation, because I don't want that it get to confusing.
But isn't this something that should be reported to the SerNet packagers?
> - Enable the BIND9_DLZ module, suitable to the BIND version
> by default its always bind 9.8.0 which is enabled.
> If you install on ubuntu 14.04 (bind 9.9.5) its by default also 9.8.0 enabled.
> This needs to be checked also. ( for fixed at install )
Isn't this already covered by the first sentence saying "Make sure, that
the correct BIND9_DLZ module for your BIND version is enabled in..."?
> At the beginning before installing samba and depending on how a
> server is installed ( with or without dhcp )
> the /etc/hosts file needs to be checked.
> if you see :
> hostname.domain.tld hostname
> then this needs to be changed to
> the_real_ip hostname.domain.tld hostname
Yes. You're right. We had this problem a few times on the list.
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