[Samba] Samba 4 AD share: Access denied

Ryan Ashley ryana at reachtechfp.com
Fri Aug 8 07:14:59 MDT 2014

I am still stuck here. Both member servers are ignoring the gidNumber 
and uidNumber attributes and are assigning their own numbers and I 
cannot figure out why. Leaving the domain, uninstalling S4, building the 
latest, and reinstalling does not fix the issue.

On 08/07/2014 02:28 PM, Ryan Ashley wrote:
> Alright, I also checked and I was right, I set "uidNumber" and 
> "gidNumber". Pictures are attached. So with these set, why are they 
> not pulling across to my member servers?
> I do have screenshots showing the correct attributes set in ADUC, but 
> they're note pulling across to my member servers.
> On 08/07/2014 11:22 AM, Ryan Ashley wrote:
>> I figured it out, but it won't let me import it.
>> root at dc01:~# ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb 
>> /root/ypServ30.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true
>> ERR: (Entry already exists) "Entry 
>> CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=truevine,DC=lan already 
>> exists" on DN CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,dc=truevine,dc=lan 
>> at block before line 5
>> Modify failed after processing 0 records
>> root at dc01:~#
>> So this means it is already there, right? If so, what must I do here? 
>> I am going to check, but I do not remember seeing an attribute called 
>> "gidNumber", only "gid".
>> On 08/07/2014 10:24 AM, Ryan Ashley wrote:
>>> Alright, new problem. That ypServ30.ldif file is asking for all 
>>> kinds of information I do not know or know how to get. I am ASSUMING 
>>> the "domain dn" it is asking for is "dc=truevine,dc=lan". However, 
>>> it also needs to know a NISDOMAIN variable and that I do not have a 
>>> clue about. Is there a guide dedicated just to editing this file? I 
>>> don't have a NIS domain to my knowledge. I just want to import the 
>>> file so I can set my attributes. This is kind of complicated just to 
>>> add a few (four?) attributes to my schema.
>>> So, what do I set all these things in the LDIF file to? Is there a 
>>> way I can look them up?
>>> On 08/07/2014 09:42 AM, Ryan Ashley wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Rowland. I just got in this morning and think it finally 
>>>> all fell into place. You mentioned an LDIF file in a prior email. I 
>>>> assume that if I import that LDIF file, it creates the attributes I 
>>>> need. After that, I should be able to set them as you stated. Is 
>>>> this correct?
>>>> My current plan is to re-read your emails and find the file you 
>>>> mentioned. If it does indeed add those attributes, I will import it 
>>>> and try setting them as you stated. If it works, I will report 
>>>> success and summarize what this entire thread was about for others 
>>>> to learn from without reading it all.
>>>> On 08/07/2014 05:16 AM, Rowland Penny wrote:
>>>>> On 06/08/14 22:24, Ryan Ashley wrote:
>>>>>> I have tried your suggestions, and some I had found prior to 
>>>>>> falling back on the mailing list so I already knew some would not 
>>>>>> work. I was not asked for a response after being pointed to the 
>>>>>> material so I did not provide one.
>>>>>> Yes, I am very busy as I work as the lead IT and IS specialist in 
>>>>>> a small business. I cannot devote weeks to a single problem as I 
>>>>>> handle dozens a day, many resolved within 24hrs. This issue has 
>>>>>> been on-going due to the fact that I have already tried a ton of 
>>>>>> what is out there, and as for your "Google search", dozens of 
>>>>>> those are the same posts regurgitated on numerous sites. I went 
>>>>>> through an entire page a week or so back and every single link on 
>>>>>> the page was to the exact same post, on numerous sits that have 
>>>>>> board-readers that simply read the samba lists among others and 
>>>>>> duplicate the posts. Useless! I'd say out of 1.9mil results, 
>>>>>> about 500k are unique. I am getting to where I dislike Google for 
>>>>>> this reason, but that is another discussion.
>>>>>> I am also happy to hear that you can afford to blow thousands on 
>>>>>> a simple DVD. Low-income businesses, churches, and what-not 
>>>>>> cannot. Yes, we know of open-licensing and manage it for several 
>>>>>> clients, but many people are not willing to spend anything right 
>>>>>> now if there is a viable alternative. Seeing that S4 has worked 
>>>>>> flawlessly for two years at a few locations, this fit the 
>>>>>> client's needs and we installed it. Something is just different 
>>>>>> this time. I am learning a lot and intend to apply things like 
>>>>>> the group and user ID's to other domains once we have it working 
>>>>>> here to avoid future problems.
>>>>>> Also, Windows has MUCH higher resource requirements than Linux. 
>>>>>> On top of that $3k, how much would we have to pay to bring up the 
>>>>>> hardware? Too expensive for such little gain.
>>>>>> Finally, if you have taken some personal offense to something, 
>>>>>> speak up. You offered assistance, I took what I had not already 
>>>>>> tried and tried it. You did not ask for results, so I assumed the 
>>>>>> fact that I was still asking for help would have been a clue that 
>>>>>> the suggestion was no good. Every time anybody asked for 
>>>>>> anything, including configuration files, I posted them, so 
>>>>>> there's no need to be bitter. Simply point out that I may have 
>>>>>> missed something and I'll try it or let you know I already did.
>>>>>> On 8/6/2014 3:57 PM, steve wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 2014-08-06 at 13:50 -0400, Ryan Ashley wrote:
>>>>>>>> What information have I not answered fully?
>>>>>>> Most of the suggestions and tips we have given. As an example, 
>>>>>>> you said
>>>>>>> that you wanted to add IDs to your users. You were sent a link 
>>>>>>> to help
>>>>>>> you look up what you said you, 'had no idea how'. You ignored 
>>>>>>> that, so
>>>>>>> we sent you concrete examples to try. Still nothing.
>>>>>>> You are a, 'VERY BUSY person', are you? Well, I can only urge 
>>>>>>> everyone
>>>>>>> here to jump on your case. I repeat. With a 2012 R2 licence and 
>>>>>>> 90 days
>>>>>>> reduced rate licence, you would have been up days ago for this 
>>>>>>> side of
>>>>>>> $3000
>>>>>>> Cheers, and EOT from us,
>>>>>>> Steve
>>>>> Active Directory works differently from Linux, it uses SID's and 
>>>>> RID's, Linux uses UID's and GID's. To use AD users as Linux users 
>>>>> you somehow have to convert the SID's and RID's to UID's and 
>>>>> GID's. There are several ways to do this by using programs like 
>>>>> winbind, nslcd or sssd, but they all boil down to the same two 
>>>>> ways, you either create a UID/GID from the RID or you give the 
>>>>> user/group a uidNumber/gidNumber.
>>>>> That is:
>>>>> A user is given a uidNumber and gidNumber
>>>>> A group is given a gidNumber
>>>>> uidNumber and gidNumber are the attribute names, not uid or gid or 
>>>>> anything else.
>>>>> The only way (at the moment) to ensure that your users/groups get 
>>>>> the same ID everywhere in the domain is to use RFC2307 attributes.
>>>>> see here for info on RFC2307:
>>>>> https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2307.txt
>>>>> How you add these RFC2307 attributes is up to you, the easiest way 
>>>>> is to use ADUC, but you say that you do not have the 
>>>>> UNIX-Attributes tab on your users and groups, I also had this 
>>>>> problem and solved it by searching the internet. I posted a link 
>>>>> to one of the pages I used, so I do not propose to go over old 
>>>>> ground yet again.
>>>>> If you cannot get the ADUC tab to work for you, then you can 
>>>>> always use ldb-tools to add the attributes, either by using 
>>>>> ldbedit and directly modifying the user/group or by creating an 
>>>>> ldif and using ldbmodify to add this. A typical ldif for a user 
>>>>> called John Doe created on a windows machine would be:
>>>>> dn: CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
>>>>> changetype: modify
>>>>> add: uid
>>>>> uid: john
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: msSFU30Name
>>>>> msSFU30Name: john
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: msSFU30NisDomain
>>>>> msSFU30NisDomain: example
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: uidNumber
>>>>> uidNumber: 10000
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: gidNumber
>>>>> gidNumber: 10000
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: loginShell
>>>>> loginShell: /bin/bash
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: unixHomeDirectory
>>>>> unixHomeDirectory: /home/john
>>>>> -
>>>>> add: unixUserPassword
>>>>> unixUserPassword: ABCD!efgh12345$67890
>>>>> The above ldif is exactly the way that ADUC does it 
>>>>> (ABCD!efgh12345$67890 is the unixUserPassword that ADUC gives 
>>>>> every unix user), but you only really need the uidNumber & 
>>>>> gidNumber. the uidNumber needs to be a unique number and the 
>>>>> gidNumber will be the users primary Unix group (usually Domain 
>>>>> Users) so that number needs to be what ever you gave to your main 
>>>>> Unix group i.e. Domain Users needs to have the gidNumber '10000'
>>>>> You would add the above ldif like this:
>>>>> root at dc1:~# kinit
>>>>> Password for administrator at EXAMPLE.COM:
>>>>> root at dc1:~# ldbmodify --url=ldap://dc1.example.com --kerberos=yes 
>>>>> --krb5-ccache=/tmp/krb5cc_0" /path_to/ldif
>>>>> Replacing 'dc1.example.com' with your S4 AD DC FQDN and 
>>>>> '/path_to/ldif' with the full path and name of your ldif, and of 
>>>>> course you need to run all of this on the S4 AD DC.
>>>>> the uidNumber and gidNumber ranges can be identical, in fact this 
>>>>> is the way that ADUC works, but whatever range you do use, must be 
>>>>> reflected in smb.conf
>>>>> i.e. 'idmap config EXAMPLE : range = 10000-999999'.
>>>>> Just why you renamed the Administrator account, before you got 
>>>>> everything working, escapes me, in fact most people probably never 
>>>>> bother, so I would suggest that you rename the account back again, 
>>>>> at least until you get everything working correctly.
>>>>> Do not give the Administrator account a uidNumber or gidNumber, 
>>>>> create a new user and give this new user the required RFC2307 
>>>>> attributes.
>>>>> Once you have added the gidNumber to Domain Users and added the 
>>>>> ldif to John Doe, running (on a client joined to the domain) 
>>>>> 'getent passwd' should show a line for John Doe and 'getent group 
>>>>> Domain\ Users' should show the info for Domain Users.
>>>>> This will be my last post on this thread.
>>>>> Rowland

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