[Samba] Implementing Samba4

Lukasz Zalewski lukas at dcs.qmul.ac.uk
Thu Sep 2 05:04:57 MDT 2010

Michael, all
On 09/01/2010 10:15 PM, Michael Wood wrote:
> 2010/9/1 Daniel Müller<mueller at tropenklinik.de>:
>> On Wed, 1 Sep 2010 12:00:29 +0200, Michael Wood<esiotrot at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> 2010/9/1 Juan Asensio Sánchez<okelet at gmail.com>:
>>>> El 1 de septiembre de 2010 09:54, Daniel Müller
>>>> <mueller at tropenklinik.de>escribió:
> [...]
>>>>> Why do not just use the samba 4 internal ldap-server?? And just net
>> rpc
>>>>> vampire the users and groups from
>>> I doubt "net rpc vampire" will do anything except give you an error
>>> message :)  I believe the "rpc" vs. "ads" etc. options are considered
>>> to have been a mistake, so are not supported by Samba4's net command.
>>> Also, there is no support currently for vampiring from Samba3 to
>>> Samba4.  Someone is working on a migration script, though.  Check the
>> How about: 2 Samba4-DCs with OpenLDAP 2.4.8 in Multi-Master-Replication
>> at: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2008-April/058567.html
> I think perhaps Samba4 worked better with OpenLDAP in the past and it
> should also be fixed to work with it again in future, but at the
> moment it won't work:
> http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2010-July/072445.html
> "For various reasons, the OpenLDAP backend for Samba4 is not functional
> at this time."
> Here's the message where Lukasz Zalewski says he's working on the
> Samba 3 to Samba 4 migration script:
> http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2010-August/072683.html
Since web-based archives scrub the attachments i have attached the 
relevant scripts to this message:
myldap-pub.py.org - Metze's original import script (attached for 
myldap-pub-2.dif - patch which extends functionality of the above by 
allowing use of ldap uri's and other customisations (custom filters, 
attribute values substitutions). Please note the script is not complete 
yet, but you should be able to import users, computers and groups 
(trusts are still TODO)


>>> samba-technical archives.

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