[Samba] Permissions problem

Bruno MACADRE bruno.macadre at univ-rouen.fr
Wed Dec 1 02:38:29 MST 2010

Hello all,

	I've got an old server running SAMBA 3.3.0. I've some shares on it. All 
shares looks like this :

	valid users = +info
	force user = %U
	force group = info
	read only = No
	create mask = 0660
	directory mask = 0770

All works perfectly : When I create a file on this share other users in 
the info group can modify it but nobody can delete it (exactly that i want).

But, it's time to change our server and to put a newer version of SAMBA 
(3.5.6). On the new server, the behaviour is totaly different (with the 
same smb.conf file) : When I create a new file, other users n the group 
info can modify it AND delete it (exactly that i don't want) !!!

Worst ! When I put in this share (localy in root) a file like this :
# echo "Test" >/shares/partinfo/testfile
# chown root.root /shares/partinfo/testfile
# chmod 600 /shares/partinfo/testfile

When I return to my share (like above) with my user (not admin user) I 
can delete the file 'testfile' without any problem !!!

I think this behaviour is not the 'normal' behaviour. What can I've 
missed ? Does anyone have any tips ?


  Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseau     | Systems and Network Engineer
  Département Informatique         | Department of computer science
  Responsable Réseau et Téléphonie | Telecom and Network Manager
  Université de Rouen              | University of Rouen
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	Université de Rouen
	Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - Madrillet
	Avenue de l'Université - BP12
	76801 St Etienne du Rouvray CEDEX

	Tél : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-86
	Fax : +33 (0)2-32-95-51-87

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