[Samba] Unknown panic actions

Michael Wood esiotrot at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 12:14:43 MDT 2009

2009/10/11 Ralph Kutschera <news2008 at ecuapac.dyndns.org>:
> Hallo Michael!
>  Thanks for you answer.
> Michael Wood schrieb:
>> Otherwise, try to figure out why the "executable could not be found for
>> process 4170" happens.  If you could get a stack trace out of it someone
>> might be able to help you figure out what's going wrong.
> How can I get a backtrace of an executable that doesn't seem to be
> running anymore?

Well, that's why I said you should perhaps try to figure out why it's
not there when the panic action runs :)

Otherwise if you can get a core dump you can do this sort of thing:

gdb /usr/sbin/smbd /path/to/core

and then run the "bt" gdb command.

Michael Wood <esiotrot at gmail.com>

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