[Samba] W2K with Samba 3.3.2 problem
tisdn tisdn
tisdn.livre at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 18:38:08 GMT 2009
We've had a problem using Samba 3.3.2 and windows 2000 workstations sp4.
After many tests, it was discovered that when the netbios name has an hyphen
the windows 2000 workstations don't see the groups on the samba domain, but
when the name is changed for one without hyphen the error doesn't occur.
How to reproduce the problem?
- Configure samba 3.3.2 as domain controller
- Fill the netbios name parameter (smb.conf) using a name with hyphen like:
- Join the w2k workstation on the domain
- On the w2k workstation, logon using a non-administrative account and type
"net user <user> /domain"
- The result will be "access denied"
Do the same test using a netbios name without hyphen (it works!).
Any idea about this problem?
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