[Samba] Samba+LDAP: Vista clients logging out upon logon

Jon Doran jondoran at spamcop.net
Tue Sep 9 18:59:02 GMT 2008

We have a network of 12 Vista machines with a Samba PDC/LDAP server.   
For the most part,
things are working great.  Our users are annoyed (to a high degree) by  
the occasional
requirement to logon twice.

Since this just happened to me, I'll describe it:  I typed  
client, and was presented with the logon dialog.  After entering my  
password (the
username was already correct), I was greeted with "Logging out".  The  
machine spun its
wheels for a bit, and I was back at the logon prompt.  I entered the  
password a second
time, and was successfully logged on.

I have received reports of this happening with some frequency.  At one  
point I suspected
that this was related to machine passwords expiring, but this seems to  
be happening too

I have no idea where to begin the research into this, and am hoping  
for some suggestions.
  (I'm not providing samba config files at the moment, since I'm not  
sure they would
help).  Any suggestions?

Jonathon Doran
University of North Texas

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