[Samba] Different IPs on a samba server #2

sgmayo at mail.bloomfield.k12.mo.us sgmayo at mail.bloomfield.k12.mo.us
Mon Oct 20 13:07:01 GMT 2008

Leonardo Boselli wrote:
> It occurred also to me, with a 100% win2000 (PDC and WS) network:
> wins is based on broadcasts. so these does not passed the routers, and
> yes, they need some time to propagate, even 4 or more hours !
> the way i resolved was this:

That must have been my problem.  I emailed back later that day that it
just started working and I had not done anything different (well, I had
done one other thing, but then I removed what I did and then it started
working).  I guess it just took a few hours for it to propagate.

>> Question: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>> Answer: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?
> since you have no idea on what part of the message you are replying to.
> of course is a worse idea to quote the entire message, either top or
> bottom.

Yep, I will agree.  Thanks for the reply.

Scott Mayo - System Administrator
Bloomfield Schools
PH: 573-568-5669  FA: 573-568-4565

Question: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Answer: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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