[Samba] How to report successfull and unseccessful login attempts
Willy Offermans
Willy at Offermans.Rompen.nl
Mon Oct 15 12:30:04 GMT 2007
Hello Valerio,
On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 02:22:04PM +0200, Valerio Daelli wrote:
> Hi
> we use samba 3.0.25a on FreeBSD 6.2 and we would like to have in the logs
> only the successfull and unsuccessfull login attempts.
> We would like to read in the log file:
> Authentication for user [%s] -> [%s] -> [%s] succeeded
> or
> Authentication for user [%s] -> [%s] FAILED with error
> We have tried with log level 1 and we get only the successfull logins.
> We have tried with log level 2 and we get the unsuccessfull as well but
> with those a million of other irrelevant (for us) events are logged.
> We know we could patch the source code (I think we should patch
> source/auth/auth.c) but we prefer taking a simpler approach.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Valerio Daelli
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Maybe ``grep'' can help you?
Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
De jrus wah,
W.K. Offermans
Home: +31 45 544 49 44
Mobile: +31 653 27 16 23
e-mail: Willy at Offermans.Rompen.nl
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