[Samba] How do I modify registry: Hk user?
Hoover, Tony
hoover at sal.ksu.edu
Mon Oct 1 19:35:06 GMT 2007
You could edit your .reg file so that it reads
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows..." instead of
s..." then apply it through everyone's login script.
Tony Hoover, Network Administrator
KSU - Salina, College of Technology and Aviation
(785) 826-2660
"Don't Blend in..."
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-bounces+hoover=sal.ksu.edu at lists.samba.org
[mailto:samba-bounces+hoover=sal.ksu.edu at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 2:25 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] How do I modify registry: Hk user?
Looks like I'm in a predicament. One of our new sites will prompt users (in
IE) to display "mixed content". Which is basically asking if you want to
display some http in a https site.
I have found the solution, (besides having a user go into IE's tools /
privacy / custom settings / enable mix content) - with a registry entry.
However, the registry entry goes to:
Settings\Zones\3\1609: 0x00000001
as in H Key Users \ sid. Since we don't have any windows AD, how could I
push out a registry entry that would identify a user's long string account?
Or, if there is a way to better manage IE settings, that would suffice. I
know what everyone is thinking, but Firefox can't help in this situation--
only IE.
Sorry for the lengthy email.
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