[Samba] Change print job priority

Martin Werthmoeller mw at lw-systems.de
Sun Jul 8 16:19:35 GMT 2007

Am Sat, 07 Jul 2007 um 10:58 GMT -0700 schrieb Necos Secon:

Hello Necos,

> The printer_admins group does not exist by default (unless you created it
> and assigned it the proper rights via net groupmap).
The group seens to be mapped:

    printer_admins (S-1-5-21-121714310-4224633520-4018387471-3001) -> printer_admins

> CUPS sets the default administration group to be sys. If you change that
> group, you have to make sure that it exists via winbindd or
> /etc/password.
It was mapped with the name service switch.

  # getent group printer_admins
  printer_admins:x:1000:administrator,lwsystems, ...

> I've found that you have to do a groupmap for Domain
> Admins to root. I forget the syntax of the command, but it's in the
> samba3 howto. Are you using the cups-samba drivers for your clients or
> are you using the vendor drivers on the client side? It may be an
> incompatibility issue.
I use the vendor drivers to gave the clients all options of the printer to
be set. Or is it possible to pass all the printer options to the client
with the cups-samba drivers?

I seems, on the Windows machine, the user interface of the printer driver
shows the slider to set the job privilege, but it performs no action on
the windows rpc layer.

Could anybody tell me how to increase the debug level only for the printer
subsystem of samba?

Best regards,
Martin Werthmoeller

LWsystems - IT-Service and Consulting
mw at lw-systems.de * http://www.lw-systems.de

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