[Samba] What Happened to my SAMBA? Permissions Issue

Travis Bullock tbullock at avmax.ca
Thu Jan 25 20:41:12 GMT 2007

OK. Here is what the Directory should and does look like prior to my opening the file: 

-rwsrws---+ 1 root AVMAX+Domain Admins 195584 Jan 25 13:29 BAe146 Access Panels.xls 

Here is what the diretory looks like after I open this file via Windows XP and MS Excel: 

-rwxrwx---+ 1 AVMAX+tbullock AVMAX+Domain Admins 195584 Jan 25 13:39 BAe146 Access Panels.xls 

Here is how the share is set up in smb.conf: 

comment = Avmax Foyer Share 
browseable = yes 
writable = yes 
read only = no 
# valid users = AVMAX+TBullock 
force create mode = 0660 
force directory mode = 0770 
path = /usr/avmax_shares/Foyer 

Here is how this problem is fixed in the User Guide: 

Question: “When user B saves a word document that is owned by user A, the updated file is now owned by user B. Why is Samba doing this? How do I fix this?” 

There is a workaround to solve the permissions problem. It involves understanding how you can manage file system behavior from within the smb.conf file, as well as understanding how UNIX file systems work. Set on the directory in which you are changing Word documents: chmod g+s `directory_name'. This ensures that all files will be created with the group that owns the directory. In smb.conf share declaration section set: 

force create mode = 0660 
force directory mode = 0770 

These two settings will ensure that all directories and files that get created in the share will be readable/writable by the owner and group set on the directory itself. 

What is wrong here? 

Travis Bullock 
Systems Administrator 
Avmax Group Inc. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Coburn" <mcoburn at jupiterimages.com> 
To: "samba" <samba at lists.samba.org> 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:36:08 PM (GMT-0700) US/Mountain 
Subject: Re: [Samba] What Happened to my SAMBA? Permissions Issue 

What about using some of the following (example) directives? These can 
be defined per share: 
force create mode = 664 
create mask = 664 
force directory mode = 2775 
directory mask = 2775 
force security mode = 664 
security mask = 664 
force directory security mode = 2775 
directory security mask = 2775 
Michael Coburn - MCSE 2003 
Linux Enterprise Systems Administrator 

Travis Bullock wrote: 
> OK. Everything is going great for 4 years on my FC3 Samba Version 3.0.3-5. 
> Now all of a sudden, when someone opens a Word/Excel file on a Samba share, it changes the user Owner to that user as well as modifies the permissions to r-x and leaves the group/permission bits/owner setting alone. 
> I have the root directories for all shares with the u and g sticky bits set on, but it is not enforcing the User sticky bit, only the Group. 
> HELP! 
> Travis Bullock 
> Systems Administrator 
> Avmax Group Inc. 
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