[Samba] Access shares over IPSEC

Doug VanLeuven roamdad at sonic.net
Tue Mar 28 17:51:18 GMT 2006

Barry, Christopher wrote:
> You could be SOL then. 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Voss [mailto:m.voss at audioone.de] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:30 AM
>> To: Barry, Christopher
>> Subject: AW: [Samba] Access shares over IPSEC
>> Hm, but i don't no where i can this make.
>> We connect over an IPSec-Client and here is it impossible to 
>> make WINS-entry.
>> I become a local Ip (i.e. and that's all. I 
>> can't see my details of the IPSec connection.
>> I have a internet connection via UMTS and with "ipconfig 
>> /all" I see only the details of the UMTS-internet connection.

Well it's not the preferred method, but lmhosts can do the job.

Add any machine names that are needed.

Regards, Doug

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