[Samba] Issues with cifs mounts following Samba upgrade to 3.0.23a

Damian Sinclair ngresponses at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 31 13:24:34 GMT 2006

My LAN includes a server machine running FC4, with several shares mounted with 
Samba. Yesterday, I upgraded the packages on the FC4 machine, and these 
included Samba, which is now at 3.0.23a. Unfortunately, this seems to have 
broken the mounted shares for my Ubuntu 6.06 installation on my Acer 1682WLMI 
laptop. The cifs module on Ubuntu reports as version 1.39.

 The symptoms are that I can list the files on the cifs mount, but cannot 
access them. Here's an example of the problem from my laptop: 

$ sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/hde1 -o /
$ file /mnt/hde1/test.mp3 /mnt/hde1/test.mp3: ERROR: cannot read
`/mnt/hde1/test.mp3' (Permission denied)
$ ls -l /mnt/hde1/test.mp3
-rwxrwSrwt 1 [myuser] [mygroup] 5019629 2006-07-31 11:12 /mnt/hde1/test.mp3

If I simply change to smbfs:

$ sudo mount -t smbfs // /mnt/hde1 -o
$ file /mnt/hde1/test.mp3 /mnt/hde1/test.mp3: MP3 file with ID3 version 2.4.0 
$ ls -l /mnt/hde1/test.mp3 -rwxr-xr-x 1 [myuser] [mygroup] 5019629 2006-07-31
11:12 /mnt/hde1/test.mp3

 So why not use smbfs? Well, because many of the files I have on the shares have
foreign characters in them, and smbfs mounts using the settings for unicode as I
understand them (iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode) don't work at all (no
listing even). This is a different issue, however. For now I'm interested in
working out why the cifs mount is broken seeing as cifs is meant to supercede 

 Any help appreciated,

 Damian Sinclair

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