[Samba] Too many open files, Bug 3342

David Highley dhighley at highley-recommended.com
Sun Feb 5 00:31:50 GMT 2006

We submitted bug 3342 on Dec. 20th, Too many open files. It has not
moved from the new state. So lets try here.

We have Dell Quad Xeon server that we end up rebooting about every 2-3
weeks when the number of open samba files sky rockets. The system is a
ClearCase server system. We have been monitoring this system for a few
months now and are not able to pin down a cause to this issue. The
system keeps a pretty constant number of samba open files until what
ever triggers the issue and then the number of file opens climbs at a
steep exponential rate.

RedHat Advanced Server 3 update 3
Linux quinault 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jan 12 23:35:44 EST 2005
i686 i386 GNU/Linux Samba version=3.0.6-2E

Clients for the most part are Windows XP and Windows 2003 Enterprise

Still looking clues as to what might be a cause for this behavior. Our
systems people have monitored everything they can think of to see if we
can find a correlation but so far nothing has turned up.

It is a large, 200+ development environment with NFS and NAS CX400, storage
units on the servers. It is a heavy file access, large builds parallel
builds on multiple architectures.

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