[Samba] not able to do dns lookups after following samba 3 by example

Paul Gienger pgienger at ae-solutions.com
Thu May 12 20:04:25 GMT 2005

John H Terpstra wrote:

>On Thursday 12 May 2005 13:43, Paul Gienger wrote:
>>>  1.
>>>      Configure the name service switch (NSS) to handle WINS based
>>>      name resolution. Since this system does not use a DNS server, it
>>>      is safe to remove this option from the NSS configuration. Edit
>>>      the /etc/nsswitch.conf file so that the hosts: entry looks like
>>>      this:
>>>hosts:	files wins
>>Given the context of that statement... there's nothing wrong with
>>removing dns from the line.  HOWEVER - and this is a big one - I feel
>>pretty confidant that I can count on my fist how many times I'll ever
>>run into a system that will be happy running with no dns.
>And I can not count the number of systems I have installed that work just fine 
>without any DNS or internet access. Why should it be necessary to install DNS 
>for a 5 user office that uses no internet access and that wants to keep 
>things simple?
Well then I just showed my age ;)  No office (or non-office) network* 
I've been at has not used some sort of dns, if not internal, then the 
server still wanted to be able to find some external site via the ISP's 
dns.  I come from a time where the internet not existing is just not 
within the realm of possibilities, I'd go as far as to claim blasphemy 
if someone mentions it :-D

*a network being 2+ computers.  Plenty of my elder family members have 
single dial up machines that do just fine without DNS when the modem is 

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.com       mailto: pgienger at ae-solutions.com

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