[Samba] Unable to see linux filesystem with samba running
Goel, Parveen (AS01)
Parveen.Goel at honeywell.com
Fri Jun 3 05:54:18 GMT 2005
I am new to Linux. I am using Redhat 9.0. I have installed the Samba
software, configured the smb.conf, added my client Windows XP box into the
hosts.allow, hosts.equiv etc and started the smb service.
Still I am unable to map the Linux share on to my Windows XP box. I have
tried enabling and disabling the XP firewall also. I can see the Linux
machine name in the Windows explorer "My network Places" under the
configured workgroup, but I can not see the shares. It gives me the error
"Network path \\as01pgoelvm1\apac <file:///\\as01pgoelvm1\apac> not found"
"apac" is the name of the share I have created on my Linux VMware machine
Can some please help me?
Thanks & Regards
Parveen Goel
Honeywell Software Center
2 Richardson Place, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
Ph: (612)9353 7268 Fax: (612)93537237
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