[Samba] 2 Domains on one server (browse.dat location) (3.0.9)

Duncan Brannen dbb at st-andrews.ac.uk
Thu Jan 27 16:53:10 GMT 2005

zheka wrote:

> Duncan Brannen wrote:
>> Appologies for double posting this.  I managed to add it to the end 
>> of an old thread instead of starting a new one,
>> anyone recommend a mail client that shows threads? :)
>> Hi,
>>     I'm trying to run 2 domains from the one server.  I've got my 2 
>> config files
>> and both servers run, bound to the correct interface if started 
>> normally.
>> The problem I have occurs when I try to start both at once.  nmdb 
>> seems to be hardwired
>> to write to $SAMBA_ROOT/var/locks/browse.dat  so each instance of 
>> nmbd overwrites
>> the data of the other.
>> Have I missed an option to configure it to write elsewhere? ( log, 
>> lock & pid dirs don't do it)
>> or, do I have to recompile samba with a new root?
>> Feature Request::  Is it possible to have an option to reset this 
>> location if it doesn't exist?
>> Is there a good howto anywhere on 2 domains / one machine or a good 
>> reason not to do it?
>> (Pref for Solaris)
>> We've got the same users in each domain, with the same ldap backend, 
>> The problem
>> being solved is that of giving some users escalated permissions when 
>> logged into their
>> own domain (Set group of machines ) but allowing them to log into the 
>> "World usable"
>> domain (open access machines) with normal permissions. Joe Blogs 
>> shouldn't be able to
>> login to the 2nd domain, & I've controlled access using the ldap 
>> filter in smb.conf. (Good / Bad idea?)
>> Any comments from those who done this appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>>     Duncan
> Yes, you missed the parameter "lock directory" in smb.conf. browse.dat 
> lays under the lock directory path.
> I have successfull installation of samba server with two domains, but 
> it works only if locking directories are separated. And yes, you will 
> need separate ldap records for same users in different domains 
> (because of different SIDs).

I've set the lock directory (see above, tried lock, log and pid) but 
this doesn't change the browse.dat location, just the pid / 
filename.tdb  location.  Possibly the overwriting of browse.dat by the 
two nmbd processes is a red herring and it should work. 

I've set the SIDs' of the two domains to be the same so I only need one 
set of user records.  Which version are you using?  I'm going to try 
again with 3.0.11,
and compile them into distinct directories if it still fails.


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