[Samba] Samba-3 PDC: Home directories in other machine

Juan José Vidal juanjova at um.es
Fri Jan 21 08:14:54 GMT 2005

I've  this configuration:

   LDAP#1     LDAP#2
     |		|
	   |	     <<< NFS
      SAMBA-3 PDC <------------------- NAS/SAN
     |     |     |
     |     |     |
   CLI1   CLI2  CLIn

· Samba-3 PDC use nsswitch to authenticante LDAP.
· NAS/SAN use its own /etc/passwd


El jue, 20-01-2005 a las 14:26 +0100, David Landgren escribió:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:05:09 +0100, Juan José Vidal <juanjova at um.es> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've a Samba-3 PDC LDAP Based and I want to put the home directories in
> > other machine. It's impossible that this machine was a BDC; this machine
> > only exports via NFS.
> > 
> > My idea is mount via NFS this machine in my Samba-3 PDC machine
> > (i.e: /users/), and share this directory from my users.
> > 
> > Is it possible?
> Yes, I've already done this.
> > I've searched, but nothing... Some links??
> This depends on your OS. Just find a recipe that tells you how to set
> up NFS. From experience, the HOWTOs for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris are
> all very straightforward.
> Samba doesn't care really care one way or another whether the path of
> a share is an NFS mount or not. Well, it may underneath, but not that
> I noticed.
> The main question is one of permissions. Does the exporting server use
> nsswitch to authenticate off LDAP, or does it use its own /etc/passwd?
> David

Juan José Vidal Agustín
Universidad de Murcia
Área de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas
Proyecto SOFTLA - Software Libre y Abierto Universidad de Murcia
Edificio Ática, Campus Univ. de Espinardo
E-30100 Murcia (SPAIN)

Tlf.: +34 968 39 8741

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