[Samba] Re: winbind usernames

Wil Cooley wcooley at nakedape.cc
Wed Jan 19 23:01:03 GMT 2005

On 2005-01-19, Matt Johnson <johnsonmlw at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks - but what does "mixed" versions of Samba 3
> mean?

By "mixed" I meant multiple and varied--I assumed with 600 users you'd have
multiple boxes, running potentially different versions.  It hadn't occurred
to me that the problem would still occur based on how the user typed in his
username with older versions and only a single host.

Wil Cooley                                 wcooley at nakedape.cc
Naked Ape Consulting                        http://nakedape.cc
* * * * Linux, UNIX, Networking and Security Solutions * * * *

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