[Samba] Mounting a Windows Share with UTF8 files

Cassar, Adam Adam.Cassar at BakerNet.com
Thu Apr 14 02:39:47 GMT 2005

Hi all,

Can anyone please advise if it is possible to mount a Windows share and
view files with chinese filenames ?

I am able to view the files on the local disk,  however the files on the
Windows share display as ??????.htm

I have tried mounting with the following commands

smbmount //xxxxxxxx/filesync /mnt/filesync -o


mount -t smbfs -o username=xxxxx,codepage=cp950,iocharset=utf8
//xxxxxxxx/filesync /mnt/filesync

However it still doesn't seem to work.  Can anyone please advise if it
is truly possible ?



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