[Samba] Re: Authenticateing DC's on an ldap backend... nobody knows how?

Igor Belyi sambauser at katehok.ac93.org
Tue Sep 28 18:47:57 GMT 2004

Paul Gienger wrote:
> Jim C. wrote:
>> Doesn't anyone here know how to authenticate hosts in the group 
>> 'Domain Controllers' such that you don't have to set 'ldap admin dn' 
>> to the ldap server's root dn?  What's the big deal?  Why is this such 
>> a secret? Everytime I ask about it I get dead silence. It doesn't seem 
>> to matter what list I am on either.
> Well if that's the way you're asking the question it's probably because 
> no one can understand what you're talking about and they are too busy 
> answering well formed quesions to ask for clarification.

I also do not understand what "authenticate hosts into the group 'Domain 
Controllers'" means.

Answering this question will answer what fields you would need to update 
to do it and then in its turn it will answer what 'access' string you 
need to add to your LDAP configuration for your non root dn to have 
'write' access to those fields.


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