[Samba] problem with cached netbios name of wins server
John H.
mistamaila at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 20:13:34 GMT 2004
it seems to go back and forth between working. how do
i completely get rid of the references to
when people ping the netbios name of the server, or
the domain name?
--- "John H." <mistamaila at yahoo.com> wrote:
> fc2, samba 3.0.9
> The samba server is PDC.
> Temporarily, the server was dhcp, which gave it the
> IP
> we then set it to static, which is
> what
> we want.
> however, the different windows clients, on and off,
> on
> ping and such, resolve INTRANET, the netbios name of
> the pdc, to still, despite me removing
> wins.dat.
> I even tried the following suggestion, to no avail
> "add 'name resolve order = hosts bcast' to your
> smb.conf (without the tick marks ') and add
> ' Netbiosname' to your /etc/hosts
> (where netbiosname is what you have in your smb.conf
> file and again no ' marks)"
> where is being stored, and how do i get
> rid of it so INTRANET Is correctly resolved, always,
> to
> the router tells all the windows clients, which are
> using dhcp, to use for wins.
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